The first product I'm going to review are the massage bars by Lush.
First of all, I LOVE THEM. Many of them are Vegan and all of them are less than $12.00, most run about $9.95. They come in many shapes and fragrances (and some are even lickable, mmmmmm) and many have glitter in them (2 specifically, SHIMMY SHIMMY and GLITTERBUG, and I use those on stage). I have two at the moment.
I have the TUCA TUCA massage bar and the SHIMMY SHIMMY massage bar. Neither leaves a heavy fragrance on the skin for long and the skin absorbs both rather quickly- within 10 minutes. Make sure you "melt" it enough so it slides on easily and have a nice little tin for them (I use a vintage sugar bowl from an antique shop that I keep on my vanity.)
Smells like violets! "We blend seductive violet absolute with fresh rose petal infused cocoa butter and a hint of vanilla for a gorgeous floral bar."
I love it! Put in on after the shower by holding it between your hands for a few seconds (it gets slick FAST) then rub it everywhere! My skin is super soft and has a subtle fragrance about it, it hasn't stained anything (so far, but the purple TUCA TUCA writing on it does put a weird gray color on your skin until you rub it in REALLY well). It has radically changed my rough elbow situation- which was a great travesty but is now a soft and supple lovely elbow- which no lotion had managed to give me, and when you wear elbow-length gloves you should have nice elbows.
Cost: $7.95 a bar

I use this on stage in lieu of body glitter- since they don't make it in a gel anymore and the sprays all smell like vanilla (hence why strippers leave a "trail of glitter and vanilla body wash" -it's the vanilla scented spray glitter). It's vanilla (ha ha ha- can't escape the vanilla/glitter pairing), lavender and Clary sage scented and leave great quantities of pink glitter on your skin. It says "a light glow" but I find that it's a bit more than that- and I love it. I would not personally use this to moisturize my skin because of the sheer volume of glitter in it it can be a little scratchy but it's so great for glittery skin that I don't want them to change a thing. (Just a note: GLITTERBUG, which was mentioned earlier, has purple glitter in it and is Neroli, Rose, and Vanilla scented.)
Cost: $6.95 a bar